Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day Five, Enough is Enough

Still drinking. I was absolutely prepared not to do it today. But as I was putting my daughter to sleep, my husband drops a drink next to me. I'm PMSing - and cannot resist the temptation. Excuses, excuses, I know. Now I'm on drink four, and it's only 4:30pm. Tomorrow I start my Master Cleanse again. I did it for a day and a half last week, this week it's going to be two, almost three days... and next step will be the 10-day haul. We'll see.

I used to think that if I could just meet the perfect man, and a beautiful family, and a wonderful job, I wouldn't need the booze. But guess what... I had it. My husband is gorgeous and absolutely attentive. I have a beautiful daughter who so bright and imaginative it's sometimes frightening. And I had the job that many young MBAers would tear out the eyes of their fellow students for. So what was the problem?

I'm guessing it wasn't my exterior, but my interior. If you are reading this, you may have guessed the same a couple days ago. So what to do?

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